Osteoporosis or other bone problems can cause pain or physical curvature of the spine, and percutaneous kyphoplasty can reduce pain and stabilize the vertebral body. Through the minimally invasive surgery performed on the patient under local anesthesia, the operation procedure is very simple, this kind of surgery has low risk and few complications, can quickly restore the physiological curvature, relieve pain and reduce injury.

Specific operations: Balloon dilatation of the vertebral body is performed under the guidance of images, after percutaneously puncturing the diseased vertebral body with a puncture tool, a specially made balloon of about 15mm in size is sent into the center of the vertebral body, and then the balloon is inflated. The inflated air bag gradually props up the collapsed vertebral body. When the shape of the vertebral body returns to the height of the normal vertebral body, the air bag is removed, and then the bone cement is injected into the vertebral body. In order to achieve the effect of enhancing the strength of the vertebral body, increasing the stability, preventing the collapse of the vertebral body, and relieving the pain of the vertebral body.

The spinal bone cement has the following characteristics:
Extended operating time
One blend can be used for multiple cones
good mechanical properties
Viscosity optimized for easy application
Use zirconium dioxide as X suspected developer to achieve the best development effect
Post time: Mar-24-2022